The first person to inspire me to teach was my first grade teacher, Mrs. Flamm. I was fortunate enough to be moved to her class, due to an over abundance of students that year. The teacher's lounge was converted to our classroom and there she taught with love, enthusiasm and joy and it was contagious! She is one of my mentors for teaching and we still keep in contact today.
I came to Caraway Elementary for my student teaching in the spring of 2009 with Carla Naylor, in second grade. I accepted the second grade position at Caraway the summer after my student teaching and am returning for my fourth year. I am excited about the opportunity to be your child's teacher!
I came to Caraway Elementary for my student teaching in the spring of 2009 with Carla Naylor, in second grade. I accepted the second grade position at Caraway the summer after my student teaching and am returning for my fourth year. I am excited about the opportunity to be your child's teacher!
During any free time, my husband and I (married for 5 years) enjoy Camp Gladiator boot camp, family/friend time and traveling. We approach each day as an adventure, live our life to the fullest and try to make as many memories as possible. I am the middle of three sisters and a proud aunt of two adorable girls!
As each school year approaches, I am excited about what the year will bring, the memories that will be made and the learning and growth that will take place. I love teaching, but even more, I love children. I meet each child where they are and create a setting in which they can flourish.
My goal for your child is for them to grow not only in their knowledge of core subjects, but in who they are as an individual in this world. I will support them in their voice of their opinions, views and ideas and encourage them to believe in themselves. As we respect and embrace the differences of each student, we develop pride for our class and school.
As said before, I am eager for this year to begin and the individual victories that will be written over this year!
Welcome to a new school year!