Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apr. 22-26

The writing and reading will be combined again for this week. Our animal research is underway.  Our topic is selected, goals picked and being accomplished and we are note taking like crazy from our sources! This week, we will work on weeding out the weak notes and focusing on the strong ones to write our research paper.  We are also planning out our product that each student will create to display their new found knowledge of their animal.

Our grammar lessons will be about fragment and complete sentences.

We will work on our words throughout the week and check for understanding on Friday. This week's words will focus on silent consonants.

We may be seeing double or triple this week as we introduce multiplication!  We will use our hands, cupcakes, stickers, mushrooms and more to learn how multiplication is simply repeated addition.  Reinforcing our addition facts (adding by 2s-9s) will be helpful practice at home.

Last week, we became the food chain and learned how hard it is to survive in the world.  This week, we will focus on each animal group (fish, mammals, insects, birds and reptiles).  What they look like, characteristics, life cycle, etc.

Apr. 22 - Earth Day
Apr. 23 - STAAR (no parent volunteers)
Apr. 24 - STAAR (no parent volunteers)
Apr. 25 - STAAR (no parent volunteers)
Apr. 25 - Talent Show (K-3)
Apr. 26 - Talent Show (4-5)
May 1 - Early Release Day
Life Journals due Friday
Library: Tuesday