This week we will work on procedural writing. Our purpose will be to tell the reader "how-to" do something while including procedural words such as next, then, and last. We will peer conference and share our writing later in the week. We are also working on writing complete sentences using a model from the teacher.
Daily 5 will continue along with guided reading groups. I have really enjoyed getting to read with them each day. I can see a lot of progress! We will work on the skill of questioning this week while reading. We will form questions before, during and after reading and discuss why questioning is an important reading strategy.
We will revisit and build on our base 10 combinations of adding and subtracting this week. Mental math will be incorporated with some quick thinking story problems as well. We will use the tens frames to practice and several games.
It's election time in second grade too! We will discuss the process that our country goes through during the Presidential Election. Our second grade election will be based around candies instead of people, "Candy for President!" We plan to talk about campaigning, slogans, and primaries. It should be very fun to see what the grade level chooses as our favorite candy!
Nov. 6: Permission slips due for Inner Space Caverns field trip
Nov. 6: Report cards go home - please return the brown envelope, but keep the report card
Nov. 7: I will be out in the afternoon, for a tech training
Nov. 8: TAG Informational Meeting- Caraway Library, 5:30,
Nov. 9: Field Trip to Inner Space Caverns- November 9th, 9:15-1:30TAG November 8th