To honor our veteran's we will hold a discussion in class of the attributes of a veteran and write letters to send to the VA hospital in Temple. If you are or have a veteran in your family, please let me know, so your child can write a letter to them. Thanks for your help!
Last week, we learned how to tie a shoe, carve a pumpkin, brush our teeth and make a smore. This week we will put our procedural writing skills to the test and select a topic on our own to inform and teach our readers how to do something. I look forward to the ideas our class comes up with!
We will also focus on the difference between a verb and an adverb by silly sentences, grab bags and videos.
Daily 5 will continue along with guided reading groups. This week, we will focus on nonfiction attributes of text. We will dissect their book and its features, go on a scavenger hunt for specific features, and create a road trip through a book stopping at key points throughout the book to prove it is nonfiction.
Last week, we worked out addition problems that had two digits in them. We will switch over to subtracting with two digit numbers this week (without regrouping or borrowing). We will learn about Elevator Magic, by Stuart Murphy, fruit shooting, I spying, and end our week going loco for subtraction!
After a fabulous adventure at Inner Space Caverns, we are starting our science unit on rocks. We will put back on our scientist goggles and lab coats to investigate the different characteristics and features of rocks and what makes them similar and different from one another. Students will explore size, shape, color, texture, layers, weight and much more in the activities for this week.
Nov. 12-Veteran's day (school will be in session)
Nov. 14-Thanksgiving lunch at school
Nov. 15-Skate Night