Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb. 18-22

This week, we are writing poetry in four different ways.  We will use our poetry skills to publish pieces with alliterations and rhymes at the beginning of the week and then create acrostics and concrete poems at the end of the week.  By Friday, your child will be a poetic genius.

Our grammar lessons will focus on prepositional phrases.
We will work on spelling patterns of plurals (-s or -es) and will have a spelling check on Friday.

The class has become quite rhythmic with their poetry readings.  It has been very enjoyable listening to the different 'music and mood' they put into reading published poems and their own poems.

This week, we will focus on theme (moral lessons) in our reading of legends, folk tales and myths.  We will read different tales to see how a spider spins a story, coyotes make man, the legend behind the paintbrush, and why mosquitoes buzz in your ear.

Our math stations were a hit last week.  Thank you for volunteering your time and resources to make it happen!  This week, we will review addition and subtraction on Tuesday and test on Wednesday.  We will revisit the concept of money, focusing on the recognition and counting of coins.

Our slogan for subtraction is "More on top, no need to stop. More on the floor, go next door to get 10 more. Numbers the same, zeros the game." The addition slogan is "If you have 10 or more, carry next door. If you have 9 or less, let it rest."

The night sky is our focus this week.  We will discuss the moon and it's phases while making a book and carving into Oreos!  At the end of the week, we will talk about the stars and constellations.

Feb. 18 - Student Holiday
Life Journals due Friday
Library- Tuesday